12pcs Limited Edition Space Marines Heroes Includes Hidden Characters
Chaos Space Marines were once Humanity's greatest heroes but have turned against the Emperor and embraced dark gods in their pursuit of power. The Death Guard are among the most corrupted by the touch of Chaos. Blessed by the Plague God, Nurgle, they are host to all manner of virulent contagions and they strive to spread them across the Imperium they once fought to build and defend.
Space Marine Heroes Series 3 brings you a range of these pustulent lords of battle bearing a selection of deadly weapons and artefacts, from the toxic plague spewer of Morslug to the pus-dripping plague sword of Gangrus and the sacred icon carried by Clotticus.
Collect all 7!
Pustus the Vile
A Malignant Plaguecaster, Pustus can channel his mind to call upon the powers of the warp. Droning chants summon noxious fumes that curl around Pustus' corrupted staff, materialising into daemonic plague flies. The noxious clouds can corrode metal and rot the lungs of all who dare breathe in such vapours.
'I bring gifts of rot and corruption – breathe deep of Nurgle's bounty!'
Plague Champion Gangrus
A paragon amongst Plague Marines and leader of Squad Infectus, Gangrus earned his prestigious rank in the Death Guard during the Skullpox Campaigns. He aspires to earn his patron's favour and be elevated to daemonhood. None are more dedicated to spreading disease than Gangrus, who fights in battle with an ancient plaguesword and plasma pistol.
'As our Primarch Mortarion has risen to daemonhood, so too shall I be granted immortality.'
Amongst the Plague Marines it is a great honour to bear the icon of Grandfather Nurgle into battle. Clotticus has won the right to carry forth this sacred symbol; foes who gaze upon it shake with fear before they feel the touch of its bearer's festering blade.
'You can bow before your rightful master or you can die.'
An expert in close combat, Scabboth lumbers fearlessly towards the foe, enemy shells deflecting off his armour or lodging harmlessly in his disease-toughened skin. The whirling censers of his weapon trail streams of contagious vapours, and each of the metal orbs hits with an impact that can shatter steel.
'I bring to you the diseased blessings of almighty Nurgle.'
Mighty Morslug wields a plague spewer, one of the most feared weapons in the galaxy. When triggered, the device vomits a stream of infectious slime – a noxious fluid that instantaneously causes flesh to wither. Shrugging off enemy fire, Morslug chortles as he advances into close range to deal out the most hideous of deaths.
'I shall be blessed by splashes of your liquefied and rotting flesh.'
Although a lethal shot with his boltgun, the Plague Marine Kholerus prefers to slay foes with his blight grenades. Each of the handthrown bombs contains explosive chemicals that create a choking haze of plague spores. Within the cloud, flesh dissolves and armour melts so that enemies are reduced to puddles of sludge.
'Death to the False Emperor. All hail the Plague God.'
Gurg the Foul
With his former self long forgotten, the legionary known as Gurg has fought against the Imperium for nearly 10,000 years. His phlegm-thick voice is rarely heard, for he prefers to let his boltgun do the speaking. With every roaring blast, it fires a mass-reactive shell, each bolt corroded yet deadly.
'No foe who has seen my boltgun has lived to tell the tale.'
How to Paint:
Battle Ready Morslug – Contrast Method
How to Paint:
Parade Ready Pustus the Vile – Classic Method
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Space Marines are Mankind's foremost defenders. They stand against the darkness, gene-forged might and deadly weapons making them the ultimate warriors of the 41st Millennium. The Blood Angels are among the greatest of the Space Marine Chapters, heroes whose angelic visages and finely decorated armour hide a dark secret – a thirst for blood that will one day overwhelm them and drive them to madness.
Space Marine Heroes Series 2 brings you a selection of these noble lords of battle. From Sergeant Victorno, with his deadly thunder hammer, to the explosive cyclone missile launcher of Brother Ebellius, each bears different weapons with which to smite their foes.
Collect all 9!
Brother-Captain Donato
Heavily scarred by centuries of constant war, Larracus Donato has earned the right to command his company a dozen times over. He coordinates a hundred of the Imperium's finest warriors even as he fells the champions and tyrants of the enemy with combi-melta and power fist.
'On this world, the fate of a star system will be decided. Brothers, we cannot fail.'
Brother-Sergeant Victorno
Diordis Victorno was a giant of a man even before becoming a Blood Angel. He always chooses to wield the heaviest, most destructive weapons available, and when his blows connect, his foes fly broken into the dust. He earned his rank by felling a rampaging Haruspex with his thunder hammer.
'Our duty is to crush these monsters in the name of Sanguinius!'
Brother-Sergeant Phaello
Radst Phaello is an artistan of war. Though his storm bolter can lay down a hail of fire, he places every bolt with great accuracy, conserving his strength for when he needs it most. Should his target survive, he finishes the job with a well-timed punch from his power fist.
'One bolt, one kill. It is a simple equation, and a mantra to aspire to.'
Brother Sanyctus
Since losing his right eye to an Ork axe, Adiccio Sanyctus has burned with violent rage. He is given to berserk charges in close engagements, slashing his enemies apart with his lightning claws as he ploughs onward. Only when the din of battle recedes does he speak calmly once more.
'Just get me to the front line. My claws will do the rest.'
Brother Ebellius
Raphale Ebellius is a bombastic, roaring hulk of a warrior with a penchant for causing impressive explosions amongst the enemy ranks. In addition to his storm bolter and power fist, he carries upon his shoulders a Cyclone missile launcher array that can demolish a building with a single volley.
'Skulk in the shadows all you want. My firepower will bury you alive!'
Brother Darrago
Thaneod Darrago is the Company Ancient of the Archangels. It is his task to bear the banner of his Terminator brethren to war. He would rather die than let that sacred standard fall, and any enemies who come close are blasted with volleys of explosive shells from his storm bolter.
'This standard will fly proud this day, standing tall upon a mound of alien corpses.'
Brother Feurran
Vastus Feurran is a specialist in overwhelming firepower. He cuts down his victims with a whirring assault cannon, which spits a torrent of shells at a ferocious rate. Dyrael revels in the destructive power his wargear affords him, finding great satisfaction in wielding such might in the Emperor's name.
'Give me an endless tide of foes, and I will give you victory.'
Brother Aramus
Dolor Aramus was critically wounded fighting the Tyranids on the night world of Solmex. So severe were his injuries, they should have slain even a Space Marine, but his burning hatred of the aliens kept him fighting until relief arrived. Ever since his miraculous survival, he swings his crackling thunder hammer with even greater fervour.
'We are a shield against the darkness, and the rock on which our foe will break.'
Brother Dyrael
For Raston Dyrael, every battle is a chance to learn more about his enemies, that he might better slay them. He is accompanied to war by a servo-skull, a relic of the Chapter which analyses the foes ranged against him and records his actions in combat. After each battle, Dyrael reviews every shot fired and blow struck, honing his already formidable fighting skills.
'To slay the alien, you must first know the alien.'
Series 2 Design Interview
How to Paint: Brother Phaello
Space Marines are Humanity's greatest heroes, armed with powerful weapons and clad in nigh-impenetrable power armour. Among their warrior brotherhoods, the Ultramarines stand apart. Noble and proud, they fight with courage and honour, defending Mankind against all the many evils of the galaxy.
Space Marine Heroes Series 1 brings you a range of these superlative warriors, armed with a variety of deadly weaponry. From bold Brother Castor to the peerless Captain Thassarius, every one is the epitome of a Space Marine Hero.
Collect all 9!
Brother-Captain Thassarius
Anaton Thassarius is a captain of the fabled Ultramarines Chapter, a lord of high status and impeccable bladesmanship. It was he who slew the Barbed Colossus of Hexagrad with a single sweep of his power sword, and he who executed the Bloody Tyrant of Varadd with a pinpoint blast of energy from his plasma pistol. Thassarius leads from the front, a warrior hero in the legendary tradition of ancient Macragge.
'The Emperor's will guides my blade, just as I guide my brothers to victory.'
Brother Castor
Few warriors embody the stoic and dutiful mindset of the Tactical Marine better than Thaldus Castor. The mass-reactive, self-propelled bolts Castor sends towards his foes punch through armour before detonating with killing force, but Castor takes little joy in his kills – unwilling to waste a single second, he is already firing at a fresh target even as the first is torn apart in a welter of blood.
'Let the enemies of Humanity look upon our bloody work and despair.'
Brother Gaiun
After mastering the heavy weapons of the Devastator and the close combat skills of the Assault Marine, Lethus Gaiun found his true calling – that of the Tactical Marine. His rate of fire is astounding, each deadly bolt he fires sent to its destination with merciless efficiency even as he runs toward the front line. Few warriors are as deadly on the move as Gaiun, a fact that sees him at the fore of many a victorious charge.
'I may go through three clips to your two, brother, but my death toll is twice as high.'
Brother Garus
Dothran Garus is ambidextrous, able to lay down deafening fusillades with bolter and bolt pistol at much the same time. He earned the coveted Marksman's Honour within a year of his induction into the Ultramarines. The golden shell that marks his uncanny skill hangs from the grip of his pistol, shining bright even as he picks out his targets with volleys of mass-reactive ammunition.
'Come forth, then, voidspawn! Garus has a bolt for each of you!'
Brother Titus
Emanad Titus is a veteran warrior who has spent over two centuries at the core of the Ultramarines chapter. He is so steeped in battlefield experience that Brother-Sergeant Sevastus consults him whenever the squad faces a new challenge – over his long lifespan Titus has faced down every major alien race to threaten the worlds of Mankind, and never once taken a backward step.
'The xenos will charge soon enough. Let us be ready to greet them.'
Brother Promethor
The plasma gun is the most dangerous of all the Tactical Marine's weapons, and those skilled in its use – Notan Promethor amongst them – are accorded great respect. In battle Promethor levels blasts of incendiary plasma that can melt through a battle tank's hull in an instant. The gun's risk of lethal malfunction is high, but such is Brother Promethor's devotion to duty he never shirks from his role as deadly fire support.
'If I die in the service of Macragge, so be it. I will bring the foe screaming with me.'
Brother Remus
Valatan Remus is the heavy weapon operative of Squad Sevastus. A deadeye shot and possessed of limitless patience, Remus can thread a krak missile through the windows of a burned-out ruin to destroy an enemy tank trundling beyond. Wherever Remus goes to war, death is soon to follow – when facing infantry, his deadly fragmentation missiles tear enemy squads apart with shocking force.
'One moment, brother. A perfect kill is a matter of timing.'
Brother Sergeant Sevastus
Jaenos Sevastus' red helm is a bright rallying point amongst the smoke of battle as he calls for his squad to advance. His whirring chainsword adds its throaty roar to his warcries as he carves his foes limb from limb. The largest of enemies Sevastus targets with his grav-pistol, a weapon that can distort gravity to crush even the most heavily armoured monster into the ground.
'Courage and Honour, sons of Ultramar! We strike like the Primarch's blade!'
Brother Vanial
Though Osodan Vanial is a superb shot with his bolter, his arm is so strong and his eye so sharp he has come to specialise in the use of thrown explosives. As Squad Sevastus' informal grenadier, he hurls frag grenades into the thick of the foe with uncanny precision, each explosion sending the enemy sprawling. Even before the smoke has cleared Vanial and his brothers close in, bolters raised for the kill.
'A small gift from Ultramar, foul aliens! May it put you out of your misery forever!'
How to Build: Brother Castor
How to Paint: Ultramarines Space Marine Heroes
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12pcs Limited Edition Space Marines Heroes Includes Hidden Characters
Source: https://spacemarineheroes.com/
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