Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus

Savannah, GA, USA


Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus

Nick from Richmond Hill, GA

a current student here

1 person found this review useful

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In three sentences

Armstrong is a great school for getting one on one attention from your professors and it makes it easy to get involved here. Every teacher I have had has been passionate and really enjoys what they teach.

Tips for prospective students

Make sure you use rate my professor and check out the professors before you get your schedules.

What to do for fun

The beach is really close and there are plenty of on campus activities to get involved in.

Bang for the buck

Very inexpensive and you get a great education.

Great for these types of students

Great for students who want to get a great education.

Clubs and Activities

Lots of fun clubs

Greek Life


Campus Safety

The campus is safe and there has hardly ever been any safety issues.

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Girl from Calhoun, GA

a current student here

18 people found this review useful

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Am learning a lot

The Science classes are very though, even for Biology majors, but Armstrong is a great college. I love it here. Most of the teachers are available to help you during office hours and there are a ton of places to get help on campus as well.

Am enjoying being here

Armstrong is in a great city and is conveniently located to shopping, restaurants, etc. It is very nice. The fraternities and sororities are a plus as well.

Bang for the buck

Very inexpensive for a University.

Tips for prospective students

Come here! You'll love it. I moved here all alone and made friends the first week I was here. Live on campus your first year, you can meet a lot of people that way.

Great for these types of students


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Courtney from Hephzibah, GA

a current student here

11 people found this review useful

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Am learning a lot

Before coming to Armstrong I was afraid that it would be very hard to adjust to the college life but after attending classes this semester I have found that the professors have made it an easy transition. They have given me a better appreciation for learning and I have learned a lot throughout the time that I have been here.

Am enjoying being here

I really like the environment at Armstrong. Everyone is very friendly and highly school spirited. Here I feel a sense of community and that allows me to enjoy the college life a little better.

Bang for the buck

A college education no matter where you go is going to be costly but I feel that I am getting my moneys worth here at Armstrong.

Tips for prospective students

I suggest that if you come to Armstrong you should have a mind and will to work. College life in general is not easy. It is a very great learning institution and they are very helpful in helping its students succeed.

Great for these types of students

This institution is great for any type of student. I think that if a student is interested in learning and furthering their education would like it here. Overall though, I guess I could say that Armstrong is best for students who are interested in a health profession.

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Edward Nixon from Savannah, GA

a current student here

9 people found this review useful

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Am learning a lot

The professors at Armstrong are incredibly helpful and caring. The classes are small, so not only is there often a lot of in class discussion, but it also makes it easier to get one-on-one time with your professors to ask questions, which they all love to answer. Most of the professors also give very thorough lectures accompanied by PowerPoint presentations projected on the board, which most professors also post online for students to download and reference. With a little bit of studying and good note-taking, any student can succeed here.

Am enjoying being here

The smaller campus makes for a very personal feel. Its easy to make new friends and to find people you know because there are frequently outdoor events put together by student organizations. The green space at Armstrong is also very well kept and almost entirely shaded by huge trees. Right across the street is a mall and a large strip of restaurants to go when you want to get off campus for an hour or two, and a simple 20 minute drive will put right in the heart of Historic downtown Savannah, which is full of shopping, parks, and restaurants!

Bang for the buck

Considering its size and reputation, Armstrong costs next to nothing, especially if you acquire a scholarship or two. Furthermore, by looking for off-campus housing, which is incredibly easy due to the large number of nearby, affordable apartment complexes, you can cut down the cost of your college experience drastically! Materials for classes can get expensive, but Armstrong's bookstore offers very reasonably priced used textbooks, all in excellent condition.

Tips for prospective students

Don't overload yourself with classes in your first year. Take it easy with 12-15 hours a semester; the University will allow you to take more if you get a waiver, but 18 or more hours a semester will burn you out quickly.
Spend your first year in the dorms. You'll meet many more people than you will living off-campus, and it will make sure that you will always be near people who can help you in a time of need, whether personal or academic.
If you realize that you don't like your major, explore other options. Don't stick to a decision you'll regret later. If you don't like learning about it now, you won't like doing it for the rest of your life either.

Great for these types of students

Students who plan on a medical profession (Armstrong works with several large nearby hospitals), students of the liberal arts, and students who currently don't have a declared major (Armstrong has a lot of classes to offer, and amazing class advisers that will help you find what you want to do).

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Jordan from Savannah, GA

a current student here

7 people found this review useful

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Am learning a lot

The small classes and personal professors make learning a breeze. You can always ask and you instantly become a part of your class instead of a face in the back of the room.

Am enjoying being here

There is a lot to do and it opens your mind to possibilities. Study abroad, go to the beach, make friends, and get involved. It's so easy to do here.

Bang for the buck

I obtained a full ride for my hard work and it's worth every penny.

Tips for prospective students

Don't worry about the distance. Savannah makes you feel right at home. Most importantly keep an open mind.

Great for these types of students


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Lindsey from Pooler, GA

a current student here

3 people found this review useful

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In three sentences

small campus that allows freshmen to bring their cars on campus. professors are very friendly and openly encourage for students to come to them for one-on-one time if needed.
a wide variety of degrees are available along with new ones being added often for minors as well as majors.

Tips for prospective students

it's right on the city bus line. across the street from many shopping opportunities as well as various dinning options. movie theaters virtual across the street, one caters the college crowd. it is a dry campus but many bars, pubs, and dinning options that it isn't a major issue. a large local population also goes to the school, much higher student attendance that lives on campus.

Academic Rigor

depending on the program desired, i do not feel that the classes are overly hard for coming in freshman and undeclared student. i am aware that the higher you proceed in your education the more demanding and rigorous the work becomes, which is expected for an higher education.

Dorm Life

i am not very familiar with the day-to-day dorm life as i live off campus and always have. i do know that there on-campus washer/driers, a fairly large parking lot reserved just for on-campus students. many activities are always going on from comedians, open mic-night, bands, along with organizational sponsored activities. even being an off-campus student, it's hard to be bored.

Food and Dining

there are numerous options for dinning available. there is a buffet style cafeteria that is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. a convenience store called 'the pirate pantry' which sales everything from milk, eggs, and cheese, to candy bars, soda, and over the counter medicine. the perk, a starbucks affiliated coffee store. quizno's, one of the only remaining quizno's still in savannah. world of wings, a new food option which sales what else -- chicken wings!

of course there are other options within walking distance, mcdonald's, taco bell, kroger grocery store, mexican restaurant, subway, mall food court.

What to do for fun

many student activities offered every semester and they vary every time so no repeats. a short ride away from downtown where there are numerous clubs, pubs, bars, along with a lot shopping available. not to mention, you'll be living in literally one of the oldest cities in the united states that is still standing how it was originally designed! many touristy things to do.

Great for these types of students

unsure of what they want to do with their lives.
have a strong desire for the medical field.

Greek Life

i am aware of numerous fraternity and sorities on campus, so you'll have your pick.

Campus Safety

we have a 24/7 campus police, all of which are trained police officers. we do not have any rent-a-cops!

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Savannah, GA

a past student here

3 people found this review useful

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Did learn a lot

Most of my professors were excellent. A couple spent quite some time one-on-one helping me with assignments. However, I did have one professor who frequently showed up late or not at all.

Did enjoy being here

I really enjoyed most of my professors. I looked forward to class. Oh, and the campus is beautiful!

Tips for prospective students

Take notes. Pay attention. Don't goof-off.

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Megan from Richmond Hill, GA

a current student here

3 people found this review useful

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Am learning a lot

Such a informative school, learning even takes place in the Student Union by all of the fun refreshing activities the sororities, fraternities and other groups or programs provide for students!

Am enjoying being here

Make sure to get involved! If your not out meeting new friends or people it could get boring!

Tips for prospective students

Enjoy the campus and all it has to offer. So many activities and opportunities to really get out and meet others! The Honors program is also a fun way to get involved and also be rewarded for your smarts!

Great for these types of students

Social students, intelligent students,

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Kaitlyn from Savannah, GA

a past student here

2 people found this review useful

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Did learn a lot

The science and math programs are up to par with GA Tech. I chose to attend Armstrong to get a jump start on my classes before transferring. They have a program especially for students who intend to transfer to GA Tech to complete their degree.

Did enjoy being here

Beautiful campus.

Tips for prospective students

Enjoy yourself, but also work hard! Armstrong is not an easy college by any means, especially if you're enrolled in higher level math and science courses.

Great for these types of students

Ones who love the beach!

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Chamori from Fort Valley, GA

a current student here

1 person found this review useful

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In three sentences

Armstrong is a pretty good school the activities they have around campus are very informational and fun. The beach is just a few minutes away from the campus which is very beautiful. Overall, Armstrong is the perfect school for anyone who is looking for a great education with a little fun.

Tips for prospective students

Go to open house to check out the campus before you enroll.

Academic Rigor

The academics at Armstrong State University is pretty hard, but if you study you will definitely pass your classes with a breeze.

Dorm Life

The dorms on campus are spacious, full of life, and nice. Armstrong really makes sure your dorm experience is pleasant.

Food and Dining

The food is pretty basic, but they do have some good healthy options you can pick from. One certain days they tend to serve some really good meals.

What to do for fun

There are some scheduled activities around campus, but it's best to go off campus to find really fun and cool spots.

Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus

The learning commons is a very big spot for many students to go to.

Great for these types of students

Great for students who love a small, safe, and quiet campus.

Campus Safety

This campus is really safe and the campus police make sure nothing or no one can hurt us.

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